

on 12/10/08 12:49 pm - brooklyn, NY
  I don't know if Its my hunger playing tricks on me.I had my band on the 20Th,not fill yet...I feel everyone around me(at home) is eating more yummy stuff lately..and they offer me the yummy stuff  .I don't want my family to go without because of me ,they are healthy and work out ....I actually kinda' ate alot last nite chicken ,rice ,ice-cream,sandwich,chocolate milk..?? i think I gained the few pounds I lost...I just want to know if anybody been thru this.?? I knew it was a reason why I dint want to tell anyone..
on 12/10/08 11:05 pm - Okotoks, Canada
Wow. I had my band n the 19th of November and there is no way I could eat that stuff yet.  I'm still doing mushy stuff.....or maybe I'm just scared to try it.

I kow what you are saying..the food is so tempting.  We were in a restaurant the other day and my sister and husband were wolfing down appetizers and big meals while I had an order of beans!!(Tony Roma's)... Gosh I wanted some of that other stuff but I knew i would risk barfing in the restauant which was not an option but next time I'm getting two orders of beans!!!

Some of the worst part is not being able to drink or anything while you wait for your meal.

Sounds like you aren't having any trouble with rice and bread.  my NUT says to avoid those now as they can really block your stoma  but I love rice ...sure would be nice to have some.

I am having trouble getting enough protein in so I guess I should get some protein powder.  I just can't eat enough at meals and I always feel filled up with water...I slosh!!!  It's hard to get all that in too!!!!

I know how hard this is but we went through this surgery so that we could learn to change our eating habits and get rid of this fat so try not to give in to the not so good for you foods and fill up with some protein or frink water or a hot beverage.  I don't have to tell you that ice cream and choc. milk are not good choices.

Good luck to you ,I know we can get through this and become the healthy , enregetic people we were meant to be.
342/298/280175  highest / surgery  wtNov 19/08/ current/ goal
on 12/11/08 12:58 am - Orland Park, IL
I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't have eaten all of what you ate.....but I will say is "how bad do you want to get healthy?" One month out from surgery all I was allowed was 2-4oz of protein. I followed the rules. Yes I agree it is very hard to watch others eating away knowing you can't have all that they are eating. It is your health not theirs, they will not make you healthy, only you can make yourself healthy. You must put yourself and your health first. No one can do this for you. Sorry if I sound preachy but no one took control for me. I have to do it for myself and make the right choices...so do you!

Marsha B.
on 12/11/08 1:16 am - VA
We had an office party at a VERY nice restaurant last night.  I just had my surgery on the 19th of November and it was the first time I could eat "soft food".  I did really well ordering, swordfish and spinach.  However...........the appetizers arrived and I mean PLATTERS.  And the bread.  I didn't eat a lot but I ate way more than I should have.  I was miserable when I got home.  Which I think is a good thing.  I certainly don't want to do that again.  It not only made me physically uncomfortable but emotionally also.  I kinda felt like I was taking a step backwards.  So...let's learn from our mistakes and not do it again!  This is way too important to blow it over something tasting good!!  Good luck to you!

on 12/11/08 5:31 am - Florence, KY
Hey SixTwo....I experienced the same thing.  When you reach about a month out, you have NO restriction yet before your first fill.  Your body is pretty well healed and there is noting between eating the way you used to except your mind.   Yeah, its hard, real hard because if your mind could be your only means of control, you wouldn't need the band would you?  This time of year is HARD, and you need to keep in your mind that every step forward you take makes adjusting to a filled band that much easier as the months progress.  Don't kick yourself too hard, remember until you have a fill you have no restriction (or very little) so you are going to be hungry to maintain the weight you have.  Allow yourself the tiny indulgence if you must but stop, and drink protein water!    Good luck and hang in there...if it was easy none of us would be here to support each other
on 12/11/08 6:11 am - farmingdale, NJ
Hey there, I truly understand I was banded on Nov 7, 2008 I did everything by the book for 3 weeks, after my stomach heal I can eat anything. I can't wait till my fill on Dec 16, i'm praying I feel restriction. I haven't lost any weight in about 2 1/2 weeks, haven't gain either. I'm constantly fighting hunger. I try to make good decision, and measure my food. I would say to you, hang in there, and so what  you fell off just dust your self off and get back on. Good Luck and God Bless
[image noborder]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wcA3oBn/weight.png[/image]

Denise M.
on 12/11/08 6:42 am
Are you being sabotaged or are you sabotaging yourself?  There's a big difference.  

This is probably the toughest time of year to deal with eating because of all the holiday treats.  I'm trying to lose the last few pounds so I can submit to insurance.  It's definitely tough to not want to just jump in to all those goodies!   Trust me, my stomach is growling right now. I'm trying to shut it up with sugar free mints.  

It's very noble to not want your family to have to change their eating habits while you work so hard on your own.  But maybe there could be some way of talking to them about not offering you the food you shouldn't be eating.  Or use the band as an excuse--sorry, I can't eat that because I'm on soft foods only right now.

You've already given yourself the gift of the surgery.  Now put yourself first and make the choices that take care of you.  Is eating the wrong stuff to make someone else happy a good thing?  They love you--they'll get over the fact you had to say no to some treats.  And they'll respect you for be so dedicated to the new you.

Hang in there and just because they're eating that stuff doesn't mean you have to!  Stay strong!
on 12/12/08 8:25 pm - Florence, KY
Hi....you wrote: "I don't want my family to go without because of me ,they are healthy and work out"
I don't want to sound rude or crass, but maybe some of their habits could change for healthier ones as well? I know you stated they are "healthy and work out" but what happens if their work-out habits change? To keep an environment where you are eating one meal and cooking (or buying) less healthy choices for your family because they are active does not promote the overall message of "food for health". There are "fun" choices available-frozen yogurt instead of ice cream...choc soy milk...making changes for all is the most positive thing you can do for your family as well. Don't let the environment sabotage you, take control of it as a way of improving everyone's quality of life. We didn't get overweight because we watched other's eat did we? I don't want to sound like I am preaching...I just know kids learn to eat by what they see adults around them eat; they may not become obese right away because they are active, but what happens ten years from now when their eating habits don't change but their lifestyle does? Again, forgive me if I come across as rude...I personally think your success is a commitment made to all and made by all in your family...and there are small concessions your family can make that can be large contributors to your success and their future health as well.
on 12/14/08 9:32 pm, edited 12/15/08 8:50 pm - Wilkes-Barre, PA
I am waiting for surgery, but I have a question. Why do we have to wait so long for the first fill. My surgeon says 6 weeks. I just don't understand why it can't be sooner. I live 2 hours away from my surgeon and I am afraid I am not going to get good control because I will have to travel so far.


on 12/19/08 3:18 am - plainville, CT
Lap Band on 11/17/08 with
Did you think of maybe freezing some meals to help you get theu this stage?
I made a bunch of meals and froze them, so when i was going theu the liquid stage all my hubby had to do was go into the freezer and heat something up. It;s something I still do now in the mushy stages.
this way he is eating and i am following the rules.
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